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STEAM Learning



Elementary School Students Learn STEM with RUHS, RTCC Visit

The Orange Southwest School District celebrated STEM learning K-12 during the first week of November - though STEM is a big part of learning throughout the district all year long. For those of you who don't know, STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathmatics.

During STEM week, Braintree Elementary School’s fourth, fifth, and sixth graders took a trip to learn from the folks at RUHS and RTCC. On November 10, Brookfield Elementary School’s 4-6 grade students made the same trip.

The trip consisted of a tour of several RTCC programs. Teachers and students took time out of their days to talk to the elementary students about what they did in the various programs. From manufacturing design and fabrication to electrical and diesel technologies, the elementary students were excited to see the possibilities that could be in their future.

In the Innovation Center at RUHS, teacher Andrew Scott explained what students do in the classes held there. He also introduced the elementary students to the laser engraver, 3D printers, and many other modern tools that are used there every day.

Students also participated in a lego communication challenge and learned the importance and difficulties of good communication in a STEM project.

The students returned to their own schools excited about the STEM learning that is happening - and waiting for them - right in their own school district.

And there's more to come, so stay tuned!